
Become A Coffee Tasting Authority

Make Better Quality Control Decisions


help increase your company's bottom line



The Torch Difference


We help you gain critical coffee sensory skills

The Q not only teaches you how to become a great coffee taster it puts you on the road to become an expert and to lead your teams to consistency and quality.

      We help you have an impact              

As a Q Grader you will bring your company to a new level of quality that will create happy customers and be a shining star in your community. 

  We help you increase your company's bottom line

Being a Q grader empowers you to make better decisions which leads to repeat customers and helps to increase your companies bottom line. 


If you work in a cafe, you need to take this course.

By learning critical sensory skills you can improve Quality Control in your cafe across all areas including brewing, barista, roasting, or cupping.  Quality Control is the key that leads to consistency and happy customers.


Why is Q so important?

Being competitive and staying ahead of the game in the coffee industry is no small task. Without the right coffee sensory skills, you could quickly find yourself at the back of the line, waiting to rise above others but never having the chance. No matter what area of coffee you are talking about - barista, brewing, roasting or cupping - sensory skills are the most important foundational tool you could have that translates to your success.  

At Torch, over the years we've seen many coffee professionals get ahead rapidly and start with great success but then quickly fail because they've prioritized the wrong things in their career. We believe that having a solid grasp of coffee quality and flavor is the key that unlocks success.

Through our Q courses we've had the privilege of training many coffee professionals, seen them become experts at coffee and lead their teams to success.  They are able to objectively assess coffee quality, detect coffee defects, identify coffee flavor characteristics and accurately lead their teams and staff in Quality Control measures -all critical skills in buying and selling coffee.

Once you become a Q grader, you will not only understand more about the coffee but you will also be revered in the community as an authority in coffee quality standards. You will have happy customers that will come back again and again.

To become a Q Grader: 1. Book a course. 2. Sign up for our emails to get more information. 3. Attend the 6-day certified Q grader training and test. 4. Apply practices and see it grow! 

Book now to become a Certified Q Arabica Grader and get the success you've been wishing for!



How to become a Q Arabica Grader?


Step 1.

Book a course. 


Step 2.

Sign up now for our Complete Q Grader Study Guide.


Step 3. 

Attend the 6-day certified Q Grader training and test.


Step 4. 

Apply practices and get the success you've been wishing for!



Don't miss out on valuable time and money!


Not ready to book a course yet? Get to know us and learn more. We'll send you our Complete Q Grader Study Guide to help you on your way.