Torch Internship
Working in an origin country allows for firsthand experience with the coffee crop, but also the community that surrounds it.
This position depends on two things: what Torch needs at a given time and what you are passionate about. The amazing thing about this internship is that we will use every ounce of skill and talent that you have to offer, however, you are the only one who will decide if you will sink or swim. If you love being creative, we can use you in marketing. If you are interested in learning about the technical skills of coffee, you can work in the café. If you want to understand the sensory side of coffee, you can have hands-on experience assisting in the lab. As an intern, we will put you in a place you want to be, but also where we can use you.
Available Departments
Ø Farming/Processing
Ø Social Media/Marketing
Ø Lab Assistant
Ø Barista
Ø Roast Assistant
Ø English Copywrite/Proofreading
Prior experience in the coffee industry in preferred, however, it is not required. We love working with eager learners!
We process, roast, and sell coffee. Interns will have the opportunity to see the coffee chain from beginning to end!
Intern requirements
Ø A Strong Work Ethic: there will be many times when we ask you for things that are exhausting and not always glamorous, so you must understand that good things only come with hard work. This is a standard Torch strives in all our employees.
Ø Flexibility: Anything can happen here at Torch (and honestly anywhere in the coffee industry). In order to navigate the turbulent waters of this business, you will learn now to bend with the environment, otherwise you will burn out.
Ø A Positive Attitude: If you focus exclusively on the negative, you will only tear down your spirit and no one will want to be around you. You will be miserable and everyone around you will be too. However, a positive attitude makes any job more enjoyable.
Ø A Desire to Learn: We are happy to work with people who have little to no experience in the fields of business or coffee, but only if you come with a humble mind for learning. We will not tolerate a prideful student, but we are more than willing to nurture hungry mind.
Ø Language: The ability to speak Chinese and/or English fluently.
A Word From A Previous Intern…
In 2017, we had an intern named Mason that spent a year with us after he graduated university. During school, Mason studied business and understood that he wanted to work within the coffee industry, but did not know what that meant or how he could mix his work as a business student and his passion for coffee.
In his year here at Torch, he learned how to process and roast coffee, welded drying beds, experienced coffee crops at multiple origin locations, earned his Q-Grader, and finally became a SCI Roasting Instructor. In his own words:
“I was offered an opportunity to develop my skills in coffee at a professional company. However, this is just one small part of the awesome experience I had… Overall, I learned more about myself and how I could use this thing I love, coffee, as a tool for adding value to people.”
Mason has since gone back to his hometown in Texas and is running an up-and-coming coffee roastery called Loft Roasters. He set out to learn the balance of business and coffee, and with the help of Torch and his own hard work, he has succeeded!
Whether you are interested in expanding your barista knowledge or working among the coffee fields, this internship is a hands-on experience.
For an application or inquires, contact Silas at: