- Physical inspection and grading systems.
- Odor, color and homogeneity, shape, size, moisture content and drying quality, density, grading (classification and counting of defect).
- Table of defects. Grading formats and classification systems (examples from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and other countries)
- Cupping and results discussion of different in-depth/research processing methods.
- Cupping different species, improved catimor hybrids and Arabica varietals as well as an in-depth Robusta component, with some discussion of other species (Liberica, Excelsa).
- Roasting theory and sample roasting protocols. Cupping different roast profiles based on degree and time.
Price: RMB 8,000
Torch Coffee Lab Yunnan
This course is 3 days. Book this course please follow the wechat channel or contact Peter at peter@torchcoffee.cn