In this course you will learn:
- Overview of espresso machines, different types and functionality, pros and cons. Simple to extremely complex (3 boilers per group head).
- Boiler systems discussion. Take apart steam wands, group heads, gaskets, boiler, put back together. Learn maintenance.
- Overview of grinders, different types and functionality. Pros and cons.
- Side by side comparison of different grinder types and burr types on flavor impact. •Take apart and put back together grinders. Learn maintenance.
- Learn about the different processes that milk goes through and the impact on the quality of the milk and coffee beverage.
- Learn and practice steaming different fat content as well as other types and see impact on final beverage as well as different techniques for steaming. •Practice advanced latte art.
- Overview of Barista and Latte art competition rules.
- Receive tips on competing and simulate competition environment.
Price: RMB 8,000
Torch Coffee Lab Yunnan
This course is 3 days. Book this course please follow our wechat channel or contact Peter at